Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Results of the 24 hour draw

It's OVER!  24 hours have come and gone.  The results?  14 pages penciled, 7 pages inked and colored.  Let's do the math: 24 - 14 = 10.  I was 10 pages short.  Does that mean I failed?  Technically I guess.  But I think I learned so much, I met so many great people on line with this project, and I made something that has so much promise that it really was a win.

Commissioned by request
It really was a day full of win.  I had a chance to play emcee at a large political rally.  Then I got together with an old friend and his family.  We all went to the Cascades, a set of waterfalls along the Blue Ridge Parkway.  After a nice hike we went out to dinner.  It was a day well spent.

By the time we got back to the house and I got set up it was 8:30 PM.

I'll repeat that for emphasis, eight freakin' thirty pee em! (That's right, the colon is actually pronounced "freakin" - tell your friends)

My son was a real trooper, he wanted to draw too.  He kept up with me for about five hours.  I'll put his stuff together in a PDF file and post it soon.  He had a lot of dragons and things, decent stuff on lined paper with pen and ink.

I had spent the week trying to come up with ideas.  I went through all sorts of different activities that I normally use to beat writer's block including free thinking, random association, etc.  Writers block reared it's ugly head.  Then it hit me!  I needed to write about the hike and the Blue Ridge Parkway.  That morphed into Appalachian Trail.  More to come on the Trail on Friday!

Normally I put up some of the pictures from my sketchbook and I'll have more from the sketchbook on Thursday.  This time I want to highlight some of the great work that was created this weekend:

The Adventures of Thumbson and Mort! by Eric Weathers 
Eric makes this look EASY.  He got this done with 2 hours to spare.

buzzmix by Rev. Josh
Josh started from a Pictionary card.  I'm pretty sure this is what Elwood Blues dreams of.  Josh also gave me a lot of encouragement through the process.

Painterly by Tara Abbamondi
This is such a bittersweet story and so well drawn.

We, Robot by James Kersey
James puts together a very cool world populated by robots.  Like the bot says above, "You better strap yourself in."

The dance of Sun and Moon by Dimitar D. Stoykow
This is my last one for the night.  Dimitar spent a lot of time sending me encouragement on top of producing an incredible work!

That's it for tonight.  I'll include a few more of my favorites on Friday along with some more updates to Appalachian Trail.

If you want to do your own version of Bru, send it to me at Denis@CoffeeBruin.com with the subject "Fan Art".  I'll put it up in the next update.

While we're at it don't forget, all this month if you email me at  Denis@CoffeeBruin.com with the subject "Special Strip", I will include YOU in the strip.  I've had several people respond, but I still have a few spots left, so hurry!

Check back for more in a few days...

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